Thursday, June 28, 2012

D365: Day 132

A good AM number on the day you're seeing a diabetes educator!

Except she cancelled because she was sick.....who ever thinks about doctors being sick??

I hope my good numbers continue.

D365: Day 131

I have a nephew!!!!!!!!!! Brody Ryan McVicker :)

D365: Day 130

No insulin for lunch. Boom-shocka-locka! I'm cured!

.... I wish.

D365: Day 129

Since when does chick fila get an order wrong???!! Chicken nuggets you fool, not strips! (notice my side salad in place of fries. Saaaad)

D365: Day 128

Dip'n'Dots but kroger version. Only $1.00!!!!! And if that wasnt enough.... 15 pretty little carbs for the whole banana split sundae :)

D365: Day 127

I'll start my day like that everyday. Please and thank you.

D365: Day 126

Does this need words!?!?!?!?? And they had more than one...

D365: Day 125

Sometimes your iPhone works as a mirror too....

D365: Day 124

That moment when your fiancé locks his door with your dog inside.... And he left to spend the night in Arlington. AND YOU DON'T HAVE A KEY.

So you wait outside for an hour for maintenance to come. And you have no choice but to leave her in your room when you have to go to work, because you didn't have time to take her kennel back to your apartment. (maintenance breathing down your neck)

And despite your best efforts, she destroys the picture frame you had on the wall.

Note to self: Always have a spare key. Always.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

D365: Day 123

A random bill from my hospital stay from SIX MONTHS AGO came into the mail today to add to other. Why am I getting charged for the initial ER visit too???

On a happier note-- I got a surprise beauty supply/bag from target in the mail. My first thought? "That bag would be PERFECT to hold my diabetes gear!" we'll see how long it lasts..

D365: Day 122

My favorite lunch from the cafe at work. Grilled chicken, mushrooms, jalapeños and swiss with whatever veggies are there. So good and lowwwwwwwwwww carb.

D365: Day 121

Happy Father's Day, y'all.

D365: Day 120

YALL. My first fro-yo since my diagnosis in December!!!! I don't know why I've stayed away from ice cream so much. The carbs seemed like an impossible win. But I totally won that battle with a solid 124 afterwards. (it helps I was low when I started)

Chocolate pistachio with raspberries. OMG.

D365: Day 119

So I often joke that Ben is a stay at home dad. Since he graduated college, he's kind of in limbo before his masters program. He mainly stays home with our puppy. However, Somedays he really does act like a stay at home dad-- burnt cookies and all!

Also, we ordered Chinese food and I couldn't stop laughing at the spelling of broccoli... So Asian.

D365: Day 118

Today my first hire went through!! I was so excited to be apart of the process of giving someone a job. Later that night there was a company party on the party deck with the brazos valley bombers! Here's a funny story: Ben and I totally crashed the wrong party and ate there food until we realized a few minutes later we were in the wrong spot. Oops.

D365: Day 117

I babysat today for one of my old Alphabest kids. It was so good to see him and his family! I was totally memorized by the wii game he had-- these little figures battle and you have the characters on the field on the floor! Video games have blown my mind. While he was sleeping I was thumping through a magazine and found what could help a low. Heaven.

D365:Day 116

I received a phone call from my doctor today---my a1c is now a 6.9!!! I brought it down from a 9.something and am really proud of the progress. For only almost six months in I think I'm doing pretty good :)

D365: Day 115

A big glass of wine. That's right. WINE. and a huge high number later... I really don't even know anymore. Isn't alcohol suppose to LOWER your bg??

Sunday, June 10, 2012

D365: Day 114

I love shopping & I LOVE saving. Thanks NY&C!

D365: Day 113

I am not kidding you when I say I did NOTHING except watch How I Met Your Mother until 3pm. I woke up at 7am and until 3 I laid on the couch and watched the entire second season. We then went to the movies to see Snow White and the Huntsman and then I came back and finished. Seriously. It. Was. Awesome. Some days, I just need to be lazy.

***And as I side note, I started my girly time which for some reason always make my numbers SKY ROCKET the first day no matter how much insulin I give myself. It's awful and make girly time 10x worse.

D365:Day 112

Is my dog lazy or what? She was so tired after her walk that she laid down to drink her water...

D365: Day 111

I signed my lease with my fiance!!! I can't wait to move in! A yard, 2 bedrooms, closer to my job.. SO many positives. Not to mention i'ts so cute! I'm really looking forward to making this place our home in August.

D365: Day 110

Some days, you just have to laugh at the shitty numbers.

D365: Day 109

At least I am using my teacher skills in my new job :)

D365: Day 108

Just in case I'm ever pulled over, I get to hand over this lovely card.

D365: Day 106

I seriously think having a low before bed is the worst. I get even more panicky then normal and eat even more. I'm scared of not getting it right & slip even more while I'm sleeping. You know, that whole slipping into a  coma while I'm sleeping isn't something I ever want to experience.

D365: Day 107

Cafe Capri is the best Italian restaurant I've ever been to. Tonight was the first time I went out and ate pasta since December! I've made my own so I knew how many carbs I was consuming...but felt confident enough to try it on a blind guess. And you know what..... I guessed right! 80 after a big old pasta plate with bread. HALLELUJAH!!!!

D365: Day 105

Lazy Saturday's with my two loves. 

D365: Day 104

Risk: The game of global domination AKA Krystle Dominating

D365: Day 103

One amazing thing about Lola is that she forces me to exercise more, which means I will have more consistently   perfect numbers. Plus, she's pretty cute too!

D365: Day 102

Bingo night in Bryan! Yes, Ben does have 36 boxes to check at once.... Needless to say we didn't win, but it was a ton of fun!