Tuesday, May 29, 2012

D365: Day 101

My first day as a human resource coordinator! And the first time in a long time seeing this stupid effing number. I guess I got a little anxiety...

D365: Day 100

Memorial day! Shopping. Pool. And a little low, which made me a little high. Sheeeeeeeet.

D365: Day 99

Oops. Effffffff

D365: Day 98

Rangers round 2!! The best seats, right Under the shade. Plus the 2 ft hotdog Taylor and his brother ate... Yikes!

D365: Day 97

This made me feel a little better about gaining so much weight...

D365: Day 96

My brothers having a boy to add to this cutie!!! Can't wait to meet baby Brody.

D365: Day 95

Go Rangers! I love being home. Except, I had an endocrinologist appointment that ended with my crying. Diabetes can be so hard along with draining your mental health. All I need is a doctor who will listen.. And when I get "LET ME FINISH" when I'm telling him about a symptom.. I think I've had enough .

D365: Day 94


D365: Day 93

Scared of the blender.... And making my new favorite dinner since diagnosis! Cauliflower pizza mmmmm

D365: Day 92

Death by cupcake. Felt. So. Bad.

D365: Day 91

That number happened with no novolog.... Ill take it any day.

D365: Day 90

Play date! I take way to many pictures of my dog...

D365: Day 89

Look at that happy girl!

D375: Day 88

Water day at Alphabest!! Those kids had so much fun..

D365: Day 87

Wait..... When you clean out your purse, finding 20 needles isnt normal for you?

D365: Day 86

Like seriously... Shes so adorable.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

D365: Day 85

That's a pretty number for a fasting blood suga! Normally I'm 150-160! Ill take it!

D364: Day 84

Scored Seinfeld scene it for 3 bucks! I also got an invitation in the mail from a dear friend since 3rd grade!! So excited for her :)

D365: Day 83

Happy Mother's Day from the newest "Momma"

D365: Day 82

Perfect weather which meant a great day for an aggie baseball game. Also, Julia's ring dunk later that night!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

D365: Day 81

Graduation day!! He's a college grad, on the way to graduate school!

D365: Day 80

Ben was an undergraduate research scholar and in honor of his awesomeness, we started his graduation festivities with a reception in his honor. Way to go!

D365: Day 79

I love working with kiddos but a lot of times my job requires me to work more with parents. Today I threw all of my duties out the window and played dodgeball with those crazy kids. As a result: a low blood sugar. It was my first time actually "working" when I realized I was low. After the game I got back to some paperwork I needed to complete. I was having a ridiculously hard time spelling words, which was odd. Low and behold, I'm low. At least I had fun playing :)

D365: Day 78

Ill admit, when I forget to take a picture.. I'll snap a pic of my blood sugas. oops. Here's a pic of me failing at my carb to insulin ratio.

Monday, May 7, 2012

D365: Day 77

Wuv, truuuuee Wuv! Today we had to take this little cutie to the vet. It sounds like Nala left her kennel cough and Lola picked it up. I sill miss Nala so much, but she is definitely helping me cope!

D365: Day 76

What a cutie!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

D365: Day 75

Lola had a play date!! She also was so scared of the vacuum that she hid in my closet.. Haha!

D365: Day 74

A fun pizza alternative- zucchini boats! Yummy!

D365: Day 73

Today was hard. I miss Nala. However, Lola is shaping out to be a much better fit for my need. I saw this at my favorite place, jay jay cafe, and it reminded me of the many times I went as a kid. I wish I could attend!

D365: Day 72

After continuous crying, Ben's mon decided the best way to get over Nala would be to adopt another dog. She took me to the pound and that is where we met Lola. Here's the 2nd try! She's adorable, 5 months and a chocolate lab mix. This time I made sure I had documentation of everything: spayed, all shots, heartworm negative. Check check check.

D365: Day 71

Probably the best meal ever at Texas roadhouse. The only thing happy about this day too. Today was the day I had to give Nala back to the pound. It was the absolute hardest day of my life. I could not stop crying. Not to mention diabetes had really taken control over me and my emotions. Awful, terrible day.

D365: Day 70

Nala's first doctors visit & the beginning of the end. Here is where I learned she was tested for strong positive heartworms and the bill would be 1000.