Thursday, March 29, 2012

D365: Day 38

I'm battling a sick day today. I'm hoping all these meds will kick in soon.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

D365: Day 37

Logging the 'betes. Still working on those fasting blood sugars, but seeing pretty good numbers all around.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

D365:Day 36

I received the sweetest card from the school nurse today. I never thought a card could make me cry.

D365: Day 35

This seems to be a favorite number on my meter. Not my favorite at all!

D365: Day 34

I spent the day catching up with a good friend. She left for Greece last September and I haven't seen her since. We spent most of the day talking, eating and seeing "friends with kids". It was hilarious! See it!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

D365: Day 33

I saw the hunger games for the 2nd time & right in the middle I see a big.fat.54!! Ugh. I spent the rest of the day poolside enjoying the beautiful Texas weather.

Friday, March 23, 2012

D365: Day 32

I've been looking for a way to connect with other type 1's. And guess what popped up in my inbox? Loved it. I'm so excited to go!

D365: Day 31

"Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor."

At the midnight showing of the hunger games. We got there at 10 and they had already started seating our theater. It was a long wait, but seriously the best movie EVER! I loved it so much I am seeing it again saturday!

D365: Day 30

Officially 3 months with diabetes. What better way to celebrate then with a no hitter?

D365: Day 29

After 11 hr workdays, I'm happy to spend it the rest of the night with this guy :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

D365: Day 27

We finally made it back to Texas y'all! We celebrated with some good BBQ.

D365: Day 26

Spring break has come to an end. Today was our driving day. What a journey! We stopped at a hole in the wall place in Pensacola--Grover's--for lunch. Urban spoon didn't fail us, it was delicious! I even indulged in an Oreo freeze :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

D365: Day 25

Ron john's surf shop. Cocoa beach. Boogie boarding. Frisbee throwing. One low. Picnic on the beach. More boogie boarding. Laying out. Happy hour. Trying shrimp for the first time. Indulging in corn fritters. Really bad sun burn. Perfect.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

D365: Day 24

Today was a perfect lazy day. We woke up late, ate lunch, sat by the pool and played card games after dinner. I loved it! Except that crazy low blood sugar I had earlier in the day which made me think I was going to pass out. And then the fact that I'm really high as I am laying in bed.... Danget diabetes. You sorta dominated today.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

D365: Day 23

Today was AWESOME. Spending the day drinking butterbeer & exploring hogwarts along with hogsmead was a dream finally come true! AND my blood sugars were in check all day long. Suck it beetus! Not today!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

D365: Day 22

We drove 10 hrs to Florida today. Not a lot happening other than a whole lot of sitting! After we finally made it to leesburg, we started watching the show "body of lies". I had never watched the show before and after a few minutes, The main character passes out and is later diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Of course!!

I'm happy to be in Florida and am looking forward to Harry potter world tomorrow :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

D365: Day 21

Today we had the best fried calamari! We also went to the oldest catholic church in the US (Jackson square).. It was gorgeous. We did a lot of walking around/exploring New Orleans and saw a lot of street bands, but this one was my favorite. Mostly because of that precious puppy right in the middle. I am loving this town!

D365: Day 20

We drove to new Orleans today & it poured the WHOLE way! Once we finally arrived, our first stop was pat o'briens. Our start to spring break '12!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

D365: Day 19

Today has been rainy & cold. I took the opportunity to finally give my apartment a really good clean! While doing so, my dryer decided it didn't want to work anymore (like my pancreas). I made cauliflower pizza crust with cheese & pepperoni for dinner! Yum yum!

Friday, March 9, 2012

D365: Day 18

My a1c came in: 9.0% This was honestly a lot lower than I thought it would be. Somehow my doctor forgot to check it when I was first diagnosed. This number is skewed because I had had about 2 months with better control. My goal is 6.5%, at least I have a place to start!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

D365: Day 17

Who else is obsessed with draw something? I've been playing this non-stop.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

D365: Day 16

I worked 12 hrs today. Experienced a low in the middle of a classroom with 22 kindergartners. Oh. My. Goodness. This is why the quiet game was invented right? For people who have type 1 diabetes- that physically can't think- when a low sets in? I'm exhausted to say the least.

My picture today is of my nightstand. My used test strips, kinda gross (sorry not sorry), reminds me I can't enjoy the deep sleep I want. As I am looking forward to sleeping for hours, I am reminded that I need to set the clock for 2am to check my blood. Danget beetus. Not tonight! Unfortunately I don't get a break from you.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

D365: Day 15

I subbed today in kinder and lucky me, it was rodeo day! My class was filled with the cutest little cowboys and cowgirls. In the afternoon we went outside for some cowboy activities, and I got to face paint bluebonnets and Texas stars. I saw act of valor tonight and it was SO good.

Monday, March 5, 2012

D365: Day 14

To be completely honest, I forgot to take a picture today. I worked 11 hrs and honestly didn't think about it! I'm currently watching the bachelor "women tell all" and am anxiously awaiting Courtney's appearance.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

D365: Day 13

This morning I found an ad for diabetic essentials on sale. I was so excited about pen needles for $10 that I called a few of my family member to help me make a nice stash. This is by far my biggest expense... I use 6 needles a day people! That adds up QUICK.

After stocking up, Ben & I headed to the Houston outlets. Since I'm broke, I didn't splurge but found a cute shirt for $8! Always grateful for a good deal. Ben, however, loaded up at Brooks Brothers. I would have liked to stay longer but the the intoxicating smell of aunt annie's pretzels was really getting to me....

Saturday, March 3, 2012

D365: Day 12

Happy Saturday! Ive been lucky enough to spend it with this guy ;)

Friday, March 2, 2012

D365: Day 11

Happy birthday Dr. Suess, we loved celebrating with you today!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

D365: Day 10

Ben was ridiculously hyper & I couldnt stop laughing at his antics. I took a picture to document and guess what? Diabetes crept in as always! Sneaky ketones...